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Welcome to Palette CAD India

At Palette CAD, we’re not just a software provider, we are your partner in design innovation. 

Palette CAD

A pas­si­on for di­gi­tal de­sign sin­ce 1994

Our journey began in Stuttgart, Germany, with a clear mission: to empower designers and architects with the tools they need to transform their creative visions into captivating, lifelike renderings. From the very start, we’ve embraced the principle of simplicity, believing that powerful tools should be intuitive and accessible.

Our story

Palette CAD was born out of a passion for design and an unwavering commitment to efficiency. We recognized the challenges that designers faced – from crafting intricate 3D spaces to designing furniture digitally – and we set out to revolutionize their creative process. Our principle of simplicity guides us, ensuring that our 3D design software accelerates projects while remaining user-friendly.

Palette CAD Packshot 3d planning software

A visionary approach

“Our crafts­manship, your di­gi­ta­li­sa­ti­on” encapsulates our philosophy. We are dedicated to preserving the artistry of design while embracing the opportunities of the digital age. Our tools empower craftsmen, industry partners, and retail professionals with solutions that amplify their creativity and accelerate their work.

virtual reality palette showroom

Designing for India

We understand that Indian designers draw inspiration from rich cultural tapestries and innovative thinking. Palette CAD has embraced this diversity and tailored its software to cater to the unique needs of the Indian design community.

We’re excited to be part of India’s design evolution!

India colleagues Palette CAD company

Empowering Your Creativity

By embracing a digital future, we’re committed to providing solutions that make your work easier. We celebrate the fusion of traditional craftsmanship with cutting-edge tools, empowering you to turn your ideas into reality. Our software doesn’t just streamline processes; it amplifies creativity.

Our platform facilitates the design and digital manufacturing of furniture, alongside producing alluring visualisations of interior designs.

living room 3d planning photorealistic rendering palette cad software

Our story

Founded in Germany in 1994

Palette CAD was born out of a passion for design and an unwavering commitment to efficiency. We recognized the challenges that designers faced – from crafting intricate 3D spaces to designing furniture digitally – and we set out to revolutionize their creative process. Our principle of simplicity guides us, ensuring that our 3D design software accelerates projects while remaining user-friendly.

Palette CAD Packshot 3d planning software
virtual reality palette showroom

A visionary approach

Our vision extends beyond software

“Our crafts­manship, your di­gi­ta­li­sa­ti­on” encapsulates our philosophy. We are dedicated to preserving the artistry of design while embracing the opportunities of the digital age. Our tools empower craftsmen, industry partners, and retail professionals with solutions that amplify their creativity and accelerate their work.

Designing for India

Embracing the diverse design landscape of India

We understand that Indian designers draw inspiration from rich cultural tapestries and innovative thinking. Palette CAD has embraced this diversity and tailored its software to cater to the unique needs of the Indian design community.

We’re excited to be part of India’s design evolution!

India colleagues Palette CAD company
living room 3d planning photorealistic rendering palette cad software

Empowering Your Creativity

Innovation drives us forward

By embracing a digital future, we’re committed to providing solutions that make your work easier. We celebrate the fusion of traditional craftsmanship with cutting-edge tools, empowering you to turn your ideas into reality. Our software doesn’t just streamline processes; it amplifies creativity.

Our platform facilitates the design and digital manufacturing of furniture, alongside producing alluring visualisations of interior designs.

Join the Design Revolution

As we step into the Indian market, we invite you to join us in shaping the future of design!

Our 3D de­sign soft­ware gi­ves crafts­peop­le and in­dus­try and re­tail part­ners di­gi­tal so­lu­ti­ons that si­gni­fi­cant­ly ac­ce­le­ra­te their de­sign pro­jects. Our all-in-one plat­form is the quick and easy way to crea­te and pro­du­ce even the most com­plex de­signs with com­ple­te ac­cu­ra­cy, en­com­pas­sing ever­y­thing from the in­iti­al de­sign sket­ches and vi­sua­li­sa­ti­on of ide­as through to data trans­fer to CNC ma­chi­nes.

The in­ter­na­tio­nal 3D de­sign soft­ware

Palette CAD is a leading planning software which spe­cia­li­ses in crea­ting per­fect rooms in 3D, de­sig­ning fur­ni­tu­re di­gi­tal­ly and pro­du­cing at­trac­ti­ve vi­sua­li­sa­ti­ons of in­te­ri­or de­signs. We are headquartered in Germany and have international representation in 10 other countries. After more than 25 years, over 16,000 licenses have been sold in 54 countries. We are proud of this. At the same time, we are by no means resting on our laurels. With the current possibilities of presenting plans with VR technologies, we have already set real standards. We want to develop this further in a targeted manner: With new, innovative solutions and technologies that make your everyday work easier.

The in­ter­na­tio­nal 3D de­sign soft­ware

Palette CAD is a leading planning software which spe­cia­li­ses in crea­ting per­fect rooms in 3D, de­sig­ning fur­ni­tu­re di­gi­tal­ly and pro­du­cing at­trac­ti­ve vi­sua­li­sa­ti­ons of in­te­ri­or de­signs.

We are headquartered in Germany and have international representation in 10 other countries. After more than 25 years, over 16,000 licenses have been sold in 54 countries. We are proud of this. At the same time, we are by no means resting on our laurels. With the current possibilities of presenting plans with VR technologies, we have already set real standards. We want to develop this further in a targeted manner: With new, innovative solutions and technologies that make your everyday work easier.

The in­ter­na­tio­nal 3D de­sign soft­ware

Palette CAD is a leading planning software which spe­cia­li­ses in crea­ting per­fect rooms in 3D, de­sig­ning fur­ni­tu­re di­gi­tal­ly and pro­du­cing at­trac­ti­ve vi­sua­li­sa­ti­ons of in­te­ri­or de­signs.

We are headquartered in Germany and have international representation in 10 other countries. After more than 25 years, over 16,000 licenses have been sold in 54 countries. We are proud of this. At the same time, we are by no means resting on our laurels. With the current possibilities of presenting plans with VR technologies, we have already set real standards. We want to develop this further in a targeted manner: With new, innovative solutions and technologies that make your everyday work easier.

Palette CAD

Using past ex­pe­ri­ence to shape our fu­ture

Palette CAD is a fa­mi­ly com­pa­ny with many long­stan­ding em­ployees. This ex­pe­ri­ence, stret­ching back over two de­ca­des, is the be­d­rock of our busi­ness. We have al­ways be­ne­fi­ted from crea­ti­ve minds, fle­xi­ble struc­tu­res and sta­te-of-the-art working me­thods – alt­hough the­se of cour­se chan­ge as the ye­ars go by, we be­lie­ve this ne­ver-en­ding evo­lu­ti­on re­pres­ents a huge op­por­tu­ni­ty for our com­pa­ny to ce­ment its long-term fu­ture.

Our team con­sists of pro­gramm­ers, sa­les spe­cia­lists and ex­perts from the va­rious design sec­tors. Additionally, many of our employees have worked in the industries themselves or have had training in them.

Palette CAD

Using past ex­pe­ri­ence to shape our fu­ture

Palette CAD is a fa­mi­ly com­pa­ny with many long­stan­ding em­ployees. This ex­pe­ri­ence, stret­ching back over two de­ca­des, is the be­d­rock of our busi­ness. We have al­ways be­ne­fi­ted from crea­ti­ve minds, fle­xi­ble struc­tu­res and sta­te-of-the-art working me­thods – alt­hough the­se of cour­se chan­ge as the ye­ars go by, we be­lie­ve this ne­ver-en­ding evo­lu­ti­on re­pres­ents a huge op­por­tu­ni­ty for our com­pa­ny to ce­ment its long-term fu­ture.

Our team con­sists of pro­gramm­ers, sa­les spe­cia­lists and ex­perts from the va­rious design sec­tors. Additionally, many of our employees have worked in the industries themselves or have had training in them.

Top 100 award for our power of in­no­va­ti­on

We don’t lea­ve in­no­va­ti­on to chan­ce – at Palette CAD, al­most ever­y­thing we do is sys­te­ma­ti­cal­ly de­si­gned to pro­du­ce con­stant re­ne­wal and en­han­ce­ment. Our power of in­no­va­ti­on has been con­fir­med by in­no­va­ti­on re­se­ar­cher Pro­fes­sor Ni­ko­laus Fran­ke, who to­ge­ther with his team car­ri­ed out a sci­en­ti­fic as­sess­ment on the ba­sis of 120 cri­te­ria. One of the key fac­tors in their eva­lua­ti­on was whe­ther in­no­va­ti­on at Palette CAD de­pends on a just a hand­ful of bril­li­ant minds or whe­ther it’s firm­ly an­cho­red in our struc­tu­res, pro­ces­ses, cul­tu­re, work en­vi­ron­ment and or­ga­niza­t­i­on. They found that Palette CAD scores high­ly across the board in sys­te­ma­tic in­no­va­ti­on, and as a re­sult we have been na­med one of the top 100 in­no­va­tors among SMEs in 2021! Dif­fe­rent com­pa­nies and work­shops have dif­fe­rent nee­ds – so a one-size-fits-all so­lu­ti­on is­n’t go­ing to work. But how can our 3D fur­ni­tu­re de­sign soft­ware help you? Just con­tact us to find out more.
packshot palette cad top innovator 3d planning software

Top 100 award for our power of in­no­va­ti­on

We don’t lea­ve in­no­va­ti­on to chan­ce – at Palette CAD, al­most ever­y­thing we do is sys­te­ma­ti­cal­ly de­si­gned to pro­du­ce con­stant re­ne­wal and en­han­ce­ment. Our power of in­no­va­ti­on has been con­fir­med by in­no­va­ti­on re­se­ar­cher Pro­fes­sor Ni­ko­laus Fran­ke, who to­ge­ther with his team car­ri­ed out a sci­en­ti­fic as­sess­ment on the ba­sis of 120 cri­te­ria. One of the key fac­tors in their eva­lua­ti­on was whe­ther in­no­va­ti­on at Palette CAD de­pends on a just a hand­ful of bril­li­ant minds or whe­ther it’s firm­ly an­cho­red in our struc­tu­res, pro­ces­ses, cul­tu­re, work en­vi­ron­ment and or­ga­niza­t­i­on. They found that Palette CAD scores high­ly across the board in sys­te­ma­tic in­no­va­ti­on, and as a re­sult we have been na­med one of the top 100 in­no­va­tors among SMEs in 2021! Dif­fe­rent com­pa­nies and work­shops have dif­fe­rent nee­ds – so a one-size-fits-all so­lu­ti­on is­n’t go­ing to work. But how can our 3D fur­ni­tu­re de­sign soft­ware help you? Just con­tact us to find out more.
packshot palette cad top innovator 3d planning software
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