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Bathrooms & Tiling

Palette CAD is the multipurpose software for 3D bathroom design

Palette CAD is the fast and secure bathroom design software

De­sig­ning crea­ti­ve, high-qua­li­ty bath­rooms is a uni­que chall­enge: you have to find the best way to ac­com­mo­da­te your cus­to­mer’s va­rious ide­as in terms of func­tion­a­li­ty and de­sign, and en­su­re that all the in­di­vi­du­al sys­tems and com­pon­ents com­ple­ment each other.

We know about the­se is­sues from our ma­ny ye­ars of ex­pe­ri­ence, so we have de­ve­lo­ped our Palette CAD 3D bath­room de­sign soft­ware to make life ea­sier for skil­led craft­speo­p­le.

The CAD bath­room de­si­gner re­du­ces your workload when it co­mes to con­sul­ta­ti­on, quo­te crea­ti­on and job pre­pa­ra­ti­on. Whe­ther it’s me­a­su­ring rooms, sel­ec­ting and po­si­tio­ning bath­room fur­ni­tu­re, lay­ing ti­les or pre­pa­ring for as­sem­bly, all your di­gi­tal pro­ces­ses are com­bi­ned in­to one soft­ware pro­gram.

palette cad logo packshot

Palette CAD is the fast and secure bathroom design software

De­sig­ning crea­ti­ve, high-qua­li­ty bath­rooms is a uni­que chall­enge: you have to find the best way to ac­com­mo­da­te your cus­to­mer’s va­rious ide­as in terms of func­tion­a­li­ty and de­sign, and en­su­re that all the in­di­vi­du­al sys­tems and com­pon­ents com­ple­ment each other.

We know about the­se is­sues from our ma­ny ye­ars of ex­pe­ri­ence, so we have de­ve­lo­ped our Palette CAD 3D bath­room de­sign soft­ware to make life ea­sier for skil­led craft­speo­p­le.

The CAD bath­room de­si­gner re­du­ces your workload when it co­mes to con­sul­ta­ti­on, quo­te crea­ti­on and job pre­pa­ra­ti­on. Whe­ther it’s me­a­su­ring rooms, sel­ec­ting and po­si­tio­ning bath­room fur­ni­tu­re, lay­ing ti­les or pre­pa­ring for as­sem­bly, all your di­gi­tal pro­ces­ses are com­bi­ned in­to one soft­ware pro­gram.

palette cad logo packshot

The CAD bath­room de­si­gner:

Our 3D bath­room de­sign soft­ware is the quick and ef­fec­ti­ve way to do ever­y­thing you need for your pro­ject!

Say good­bye to start­ing on the dra­wing board and working wi­th dif­fe­rent pro­grams to draw, de­sign, show­ca­se and de­li­ver your pro­jects: Palette CAD is the all-in-one so­lu­ti­on that seam­less­ly in­te­gra­tes all the va­rious steps in­to one di­gi­tal pro­cess. 

Palette CAD makes your job ea­sier and helps you grow your cus­to­mer ba­se wi­th in­spi­ring de­signs – whe­ther you’re lay­ing ti­les, working wi­th na­tu­ral stone or in­stal­ling bath­room fit­tings.

The CAD bath­room de­si­gner:

Our 3D bath­room de­sign soft­ware is the quick and ef­fec­ti­ve way to do ever­y­thing you need for your pro­ject!

Say good­bye to start­ing on the dra­wing board and working wi­th dif­fe­rent pro­grams to draw, de­sign, show­ca­se and de­li­ver your pro­jects: Palette CAD is the all-in-one so­lu­ti­on that seam­less­ly in­te­gra­tes all the va­rious steps in­to one di­gi­tal pro­cess. 

Palette CAD makes your job ea­sier and helps you grow your cus­to­mer ba­se wi­th in­spi­ring de­signs – whe­ther you’re lay­ing ti­les, working wi­th na­tu­ral stone or in­stal­ling bath­room fit­tings.

Designed with Palette CAD

From consultation to your dream bathroom, our software handles all your workflows!

Designed with Palette CAD

bathroom 3d planner Palette CAD software

The 3D software for bathrooms and tiling

The CAD bath­room de­si­gner: by ex­perts, for ex­perts

Our 3D bath­room de­sign soft­ware is the quick and ef­fec­ti­ve way to do ever­y­thing you need for your pro­ject, such as pre­pa­ring jobs, put­ting pre­sen­ta­ti­ons tog­e­ther or or­de­ring ma­te­ri­als. 

Are you de­sig­ning a bath­room or well­ness area for a de­man­ding cli­ent? Or are you pre­pa­ring to in­stall show­er or bath­room fit­tings? Then the 3D bath­room de­sign soft­ware from Palette CAD is the all-in-one di­gi­tal tool for you.

The 3D software for bathrooms and tiling

The CAD bath­room de­si­gner: by ex­perts, for ex­perts

Our 3D bath­room de­sign soft­ware is the quick and ef­fec­ti­ve way to do ever­y­thing you need for your pro­ject, such as pre­pa­ring jobs, put­ting pre­sen­ta­ti­ons tog­e­ther or or­de­ring ma­te­ri­als. 

Are you de­sig­ning a bath­room or well­ness area for a de­man­ding cli­ent? Or are you pre­pa­ring to in­stall show­er or bath­room fit­tings? Then the 3D bath­room de­sign soft­ware from Palette CAD is the all-in-one di­gi­tal tool for you.

bathroom 3d planner Palette CAD software

Simple process steps

Pa­let­te CAD com­bi­nes all your di­gi­tal steps into one con­ti­nuous pro­cess – say good­bye to swit­ching bet­ween va­rious pro­grams.
Inspire and Persuade<br><br>

Inspire and Persuade

Pa­let­te Show­room and Pa­let­te Cloud help your cust­o­m­ers de­ci­de wha­t’s right for them.

Data Gathering <br> and Import

Data Gathering
and Import

Take la­ser mea­su­re­ments on site or sim­ply im­port ar­chi­tects’ plans and blue­prints di­rect­ly.

Plan and Design<br><br>

Plan and Design

Pa­let­te CAD ma­kes it easy to pro­du­ce quick and ac­cu­ra­te de­signs.

Presenting <br> and Consulting

and Consulting

Pre­sent your pro­jects via Pa­let­te Show­room and Pa­let­te Move (in per­son or di­gi­tal­ly) and im­press your cust­o­m­ers.

Make it a Reality<br><br>

Make it a Reality

Di­gi­tal blue­prints and on-site me­a­su­re­ments eli­mi­na­te er­rors in in­stal­la­ti­on.
Perfect Rooms<br><br>

Perfect Rooms

Avo­id un­ex­pec­ted sur­pri­ses and pro­du­ce re­sults that put a smi­le on your cli­ents’ faces.

Simple process steps

Pa­let­te CAD com­bi­nes all your di­gi­tal steps into one con­ti­nuous pro­cess – say good­bye to swit­ching bet­ween va­rious pro­grams.
Inspire and Persuade<br><br>

Inspire and Persuade

Pa­let­te Show­room and Pa­let­te Cloud help your cust­o­m­ers de­ci­de wha­t’s right for them.

Data Gathering <br> and Import

Data Gathering
and Import

Take la­ser mea­su­re­ments on site or sim­ply im­port ar­chi­tects’ plans and blue­prints di­rect­ly.