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Furnishing & Shop Fitting

Palette CAD is the 3D de­sign soft­ware for any job

Palette CAD

The Versatile 3D Software for Furnishing & Shop Fitting

If you’re pro­du­cing the right shop de­sign to su­it your cli­ent’s brand or put­ting tog­e­ther a trade show stand that pulls in the crowds, you need to ta­ke in­to ac­count the available space while de­li­ve­ring on time and on bud­get.

We know from our ma­ny ye­ars of prac­ti­cal ex­pe­ri­ence that co­ming up wi­th the per­fect de­sign for your cli­ents can be stressful and time-con­sum­ing: that’s why we de­ve­lo­ped Palette CAD to make your job ea­sier.

Cont­act us to ar­ran­ge a per­so­nal con­sul­ta­ti­on about how you can use our 3D de­sign soft­ware to vi­sua­li­se your ide­as and make them a rea­li­ty.


Palette CAD

The Versatile 3D Software for Furnishing & Shop Fitting

If you’re pro­du­cing the right shop de­sign to su­it your cli­ent’s brand or put­ting tog­e­ther a trade show stand that pulls in the crowds, you need to ta­ke in­to ac­count the available space while de­li­ve­ring on time and on bud­get.

We know from our ma­ny ye­ars of prac­ti­cal ex­pe­ri­ence that co­ming up wi­th the per­fect de­sign for your cli­ents can be stressful and time-con­sum­ing: that’s why we de­ve­lo­ped Palette CAD to make your job ea­sier.

Cont­act us to ar­ran­ge a per­so­nal con­sul­ta­ti­on about how you can use our 3D de­sign soft­ware to vi­sua­li­se your ide­as and make them a rea­li­ty.


The 3D de­sign soft­ware for fur­nis­hings

Our 3D CAD soft­ware is wi­th you every step of the way to help you de­sign mo­re quick­ly, pre­sent and sell your ide­as to cli­ents mo­re ef­fec­tively and pro­du­ce per­fect re­sults. 

In short: Palette CAD helps you work mo­re ef­fi­ci­ent­ly and of­fer bet­ter va­lue for mo­ney. Use it to crea­te your own vir­tu­al fur­ni­tu­re from boards and com­pon­ents, or sel­ect the right ob­ject from our ran­ge of lea­ding ma­nu­fac­tu­r­ers’ ca­ta­lo­gues to su­it each in­di­vi­du­al room.

The 3D de­sign soft­ware for fur­nis­hings

Our 3D CAD soft­ware is wi­th you every step of the way to help you de­sign mo­re quick­ly, pre­sent and sell your ide­as to cli­ents mo­re ef­fec­tively and pro­du­ce per­fect re­sults. 

In short: Palette CAD helps you work mo­re ef­fi­ci­ent­ly and of­fer bet­ter va­lue for mo­ney. Use it to crea­te your own vir­tu­al fur­ni­tu­re from boards and com­pon­ents, or sel­ect the right ob­ject from our ran­ge of lea­ding ma­nu­fac­tu­r­ers’ ca­ta­lo­gues to su­it each in­di­vi­du­al room.

Designed with Palette CAD

Palette CAD is the per­fect 3D de­sign soft­ware for any type of project

Designed with Palette CAD

Turn your ide­as in­to suc­cessful pro­jects!

Our CAD 3D soft­ware is perfect for:

  • Car­pen­ters & joi­n­ers
  • Stand buil­ders
  • Shop de­si­gners
  • Ho­tel de­si­gners

No mat­ter if your cli­ent knows exact­ly how they want their trade show stand to look like or on­ly has the va­guest idea, you can help.

Use Palette CAD to design custom furniture with precise dimensions, or load  re­a­dy-ma­de fur­ni­tu­re in­to the space you’ve de­si­gned!

Intelligent corpus configurator

Import re­a­dy-ma­de fur­ni­tu­re

Crea­te cus­to­mi­sed fur­ni­tu­re

Turn your ide­as in­to suc­cessful pro­jects!

Our CAD 3D soft­ware is perfect for:

  • Car­pen­ters & joi­n­ers
  • Stand buil­ders
  • Shop de­si­gners
  • Ho­tel de­si­gners

No mat­ter if your cli­ent knows exact­ly how they want their trade show stand to look like or on­ly has the va­guest idea, you can help.

Use Palette CAD to design custom furniture with precise dimensions, or load  re­a­dy-ma­de fur­ni­tu­re in­to the space you’ve de­si­gned!

Intelligent corpus configurator

Import re­a­dy-ma­de fur­ni­tu­re

Crea­te cus­to­mi­sed fur­ni­tu­re

Turn your ide­as in­to suc­cessful pro­jects!

Our CAD 3D soft­ware is perfect for:

  • Car­pen­ters & joi­n­ers
  • Stand buil­ders
  • Shop de­si­gners
  • Ho­tel de­si­gners

No mat­ter if your cli­ent knows exact­ly how they want their trade show stand to look like or on­ly has the va­guest idea, you can help.

Use Palette CAD to design custom furniture with precise dimensions, or load  re­a­dy-ma­de fur­ni­tu­re in­to the space you’ve de­si­gned!

corpus configurator

Import re­a­dy-ma­de fur­ni­tu­re

Crea­te cus­to­mi­sed fur­ni­tu­re

Turn your ide­as in­to suc­cessful pro­jects!

Our CAD 3D soft­ware is perfect for:

  • Car­pen­ters & joi­n­ers
  • Stand buil­ders
  • Shop de­si­gners
  • Ho­tel de­si­gners

You can use our 3D trade show stand con­fi­gu­ra­tor to crea­te cus­to­mi­sed fur­ni­tu­re, or load re­a­dy-ma­de fur­ni­tu­re in­to the space you’ve de­si­gned.