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Interiors & Interior Design

The CAD soft­ware for in­te­ri­or de­si­gners and de­co­ra­tors

Let your designs turn into reality with Palette CAD

With its easy-to-use interface, powerful presentation capabilities and seamless integration, Palette CAD is the effective and professional solution for planners and interior designers working together on projects.

With Palette CAD you can show your customers their future rooms before they have even been built. If you want to demonstrate your creativity and skill, and fuel your client’s imagination with user friendly 3D design software, then Palette CAD is the way to go!

Cont­act us for a per­so­nal con­sul­ta­ti­on to discuss Palette CAD and your specific needs.

Let your designs turn into reality with Palette CAD

With its easy-to-use interface, powerful presentation capabilities and seamless integration, Palette CAD is the effective and professional solution for planners and interior designers working together on projects.

With Palette CAD you can show your customers their future rooms before they have even been built. If you want to demonstrate your creativity and skill, and fuel your client’s imagination with user friendly 3D design software, then Palette CAD is the way to go!

Cont­act us for a per­so­nal con­sul­ta­ti­on to discuss Palette CAD and your specific needs.

The all-in-one solution

Perfect for in­te­ri­or de­si­gners and de­co­ra­tors

Import plans or draw a floor plan in minutes, adjust di­men­si­ons, add ob­jects from curated ma­nu­fac­tu­rer ca­ta­lo­gues, or de­sign and place your own pro­ducts and fur­ni­tu­re. 

Ch­an­ge co­lours and tex­tures, mo­ve ob­jects and add new light sources wi­th just a few clicks, sa­ving you time, mo­ney and stress. So you can focus on what really matters: creating beautiful designs.

The all-in-one solution

Perfect for in­te­ri­or de­si­gners and de­co­ra­tors

Import plans or draw a floor plan in minutes, adjust di­men­si­ons, add ob­jects from curated ma­nu­fac­tu­rer ca­ta­lo­gues, or de­sign and place your own pro­ducts and fur­ni­tu­re. 

Ch­an­ge co­lours and tex­tures, mo­ve ob­jects and add new light sources wi­th just a few clicks, sa­ving you time, mo­ney and stress. So you can focus on what really matters: creating beautiful designs.

With Palette CAD design knows no limits!

Same room different scenarios: Change furniture and materials effortlessly, present different decorations and make every corner special. 

Get inspired

We at Palette CAD spe­cia­li­se in crea­ting per­fect rooms in 3D, de­si­gning and ma­nu­fac­tu­ring fur­ni­tu­re di­gi­tal­ly and pro­du­cing attrac­tive vi­sua­li­sa­ti­ons of in­te­ri­or de­signs.

Designed with Palette CAD

The 3D software for Interior Design

Designing customised projects for your clients was never so easy!

Save time with our ex­ten­si­ve ob­ject li­bra­ri­es and inspire your clients with our curated catalogues of tex­tures and materials. The Palette CAD 3D room de­sign soft­ware is the quick and ea­sy way to make your in­te­ri­or de­sign ide­as co­me to life. 
In this video you can see how Palette CAD supports you in every step of your design process.

Palette CAD is the professional furniture design software for woodwork

Sim­ple but ef­fec­tive: Pa­let­te CAD for fur­ni­tu­re de­sign

Are you loo­king for CAD soft­ware for car­pen­ters that hand­les ever­y­thing in­vol­ved in the de­sign pro­cess? Do you want an easy way to wow your cust­o­m­ers with your de­signs? Whe­ther in the de­sign or con­struc­tion pro­cess, Pa­let­te CAD for fur­ni­tu­re de­sign brings to­ge­ther all the soft­ware fea­tures you need to na­vi­ga­te the steps in­vol­ved with a mi­ni­mum of fuss.
Branch wood technology palette cad 3d planning

Simple process steps

Pa­let­te CAD com­bi­nes all your di­gi­tal steps into one con­ti­nuous pro­cess – say good­bye to swit­ching bet­ween va­rious pro­grams.
Inspire and Persuade<br><br>

Inspire and Persuade

Pa­let­te Show­room and Pa­let­te Cloud help your cust­o­m­ers de­ci­de wha­t’s right for them.

Data Gathering <br> and Import

Data Gathering
and Import

Take la­ser mea­su­re­ments on site or sim­ply im­port ar­chi­tects’ plans and blue­prints di­rect­ly.

Plan and Design<br><br>

Plan and Design

Pa­let­te CAD ma­kes it easy to pro­du­ce quick and ac­cu­ra­te de­signs.

Presenting <br> and Consulting

and Consulting

Pre­sent your pro­jects via Pa­let­te Show­room and Pa­let­te Move (in per­son or di­gi­tal­ly) and im­press your cust­o­m­ers.

Make it a Reality<br><br>

Make it a Reality

Digital blueprints make assembly and installation on-site a smooth process.

Perfect Rooms<br><br>

Perfect Rooms

Avo­id un­ex­pec­ted sur­pri­ses and pro­du­ce re­sults that put a smi­le on your cli­ents’ faces.

Inspire and Persuade<br><br>

Inspire and Persuade

Pa­let­te Show­room and Pa­let­te Cloud help your cust­o­m­ers de­ci­de wha­t’s right for them.

Data Gathering <br> and Import

Data Gathering
and Import

Take la­ser mea­su­re­ments on site or sim­ply im­port ar­chi­tects’ plans and blue­prints di­rect­ly.