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Carpenters & Joiners

With Pa­let­te CAD you can un­leash your crea­ti­vi­ty and have time to fo­cus on what matters: creating be­au­ti­ful woo­den fur­ni­tu­re

Palette CAD

Ever­y­thing you need in one soft­ware pro­gram

Car­pen­ters, joi­ners an cabinetma­kers know all about jugg­ling va­rious chal­len­ges on a dai­ly ba­sis, whe­ther it’s meeting com­plex de­man­ds from spe­ci­fic cust­o­m­ers, in­te­gra­ting 3D mo­dels from other sour­ces or sim­ply ra­c­ing against the clock.

Pa­let­te CAD fur­ni­tu­re de­sign soft­ware makes it ea­sier for de­si­gners to un­leash their crea­ti­vi­ty and give them time to fo­cus on what they love about their work: crea­ting be­au­ti­ful woo­den fur­ni­tu­re.

Dif­fe­rent com­pa­nies and work­shops have dif­fe­rent nee­ds – so a one-size-fits-all so­lu­ti­on is­n’t go­ing to work. But how can our 3D fur­ni­tu­re de­sign soft­ware help you? Just con­tact us to find out more.

Palette CAD

Ever­y­thing you need in one soft­ware pro­gram

Car­pen­ters, joi­ners and ca­bi­net­ma­kers know all about jugg­ling va­rious chal­len­ges on a dai­ly ba­sis, whe­ther it’s mee­ting com­plex de­man­ds from spe­ci­fic cust­o­m­ers, in­te­gra­ting 3D mo­dels from other sour­ces or sim­ply ra­c­ing against the clock.

Pa­let­te CAD fur­ni­tu­re de­sign soft­ware makes it ea­sier for de­si­gners to un­leash their crea­ti­vi­ty and give them time to fo­cus on what they love about their work: crea­ting be­au­ti­ful woo­den fur­ni­tu­re.

Dif­fe­rent com­pa­nies and work­shops have dif­fe­rent nee­ds – so a one-size-fits-all so­lu­ti­on is­n’t go­ing to work. But how can our 3D fur­ni­tu­re de­sign soft­ware help you? Just con­tact us to find out more.

The fur­ni­tu­re de­sign

Perfect for carpenters and joiners & furniture makers

Palette CAD is the fur­ni­tu­re de­sign soft­ware that ma­kes CAD easy for car­pen­ters and joi­ners, from de­sign and job pre­pa­ra­ti­on through to ma­nu­fac­tu­ring on your CNC ma­chi­nes. Con­trol me­cha­nisms, au­to­ma­ted pro­ces­ses and user-fri­end­ly in­ter­faces make your work fas­ter, more ef­fi­ci­ent, and ul­ti­mate­ly more eco­no­mi­cal – a key be­ne­fit when it co­mes to ke­eping ma­nu­fac­tu­ring costs and er­ror ra­tes down.

The fur­ni­tu­re de­sign soft­ware:

Perfect for carpenters and joiners & furniture makers

Palette CAD is the fur­ni­tu­re de­sign soft­ware that ma­kes CAD easy for car­pen­ters and joi­ners, from de­sign and job pre­pa­ra­ti­on through to ma­nu­fac­tu­ring on your CNC ma­chi­nes. Con­trol me­cha­nisms, au­to­ma­ted pro­ces­ses and user-fri­end­ly in­ter­faces make your work fas­ter, more ef­fi­ci­ent, and ul­ti­mate­ly more eco­no­mi­cal – a key be­ne­fit when it co­mes to ke­eping ma­nu­fac­tu­ring costs and er­ror ra­tes down.

Designed with Palette CAD

Design, order the materials you need, create the perfect blueprints. And if required, you can send the de­signs straight to a CNC ma­chi­ne wi­th per­fect ac­cu­ra­cy!

Designed with Palette CAD

Branch wood technology palette cad 3d planning

Palette CAD is the professional furniture design software for woodwork

Are you loo­king for a CAD soft­ware for car­pen­ters that hand­les ever­y­thing in­vol­ved in the de­sign pro­cess? Do you want an easy way to impress your cust­o­m­ers with your de­signs? Whe­ther in the de­sign or con­struc­tion pro­cess, Pa­let­te CAD for fur­ni­tu­re de­sign brings to­ge­ther all the soft­ware fea­tures that you need to na­vi­ga­te the steps in­vol­ved with a mi­ni­mum of fuss.

Palette CAD is the professional furniture design software for woodwork

Are you loo­king for a CAD soft­ware for car­pen­ters that hand­les ever­y­thing in­vol­ved in the de­sign pro­cess? Do you want an easy way to impress your cust­o­m­ers with your de­signs? Whe­ther in the de­sign or con­struc­tion pro­cess, Pa­let­te CAD for fur­ni­tu­re de­sign brings to­ge­ther all the soft­ware fea­tures that you need to na­vi­ga­te the steps in­vol­ved with a mi­ni­mum of fuss.

Branch wood technology palette cad 3d planning

Simple process steps

Pa­let­te CAD com­bi­nes all your di­gi­tal steps into one con­ti­nuous pro­cess – say good­bye to swit­ching bet­ween va­rious pro­grams.
Inspire and Persuade<br><br>

Inspire and Persuade

Pa­let­te Show­room and
Pa­let­te Cloud help your
cust­o­m­ers de­ci­de wha­t’s right for them.

Data Gathering <br> and Import

Data Gathering
and Import

Take la­ser mea­su­re­ments on site or sim­ply im­port ar­chi­tects’ plans and blue­prints di­rect­ly.

Plan and Design<br><br>

Plan and Design

Pa­let­te CAD ma­kes it easy to pro­du­ce quick and ac­cu­ra­te de­signs.

Presenting <br> and Consulting

and Consulting

Pre­sent your pro­jects via Pa­let­te Show­room and Pa­let­te Move (in per­son or di­gi­tal­ly) and im­press your cust­o­m­ers.

Make it a Reality<br><br>

Make it a Reality

Eli­mi­na­te er­rors by using Pa­let­te CAM to trans­fer data strai­ght to the CNC ma­chi­ne.

Perfect Rooms<br><br>

Perfect Rooms

Avo­id un­ex­pec­ted sur­pri­ses and pro­du­ce re­sults that put a smi­le on your cli­ents’ faces.

Simple process steps

Pa­let­te CAD com­bi­nes all your di­gi­tal steps into one con­ti­nuous pro­cess – say good­bye to swit­ching bet­ween va­rious pro­grams.