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Palette CAM

Generate CAD data & transfer them straight to the CNC machine!

Seam­less­ly trans­fer 3D
de­sign da­ta to the CNC ma­chi­ne

Make the da­ta you ge­ne­ra­te go fur­ther wi­th Palette CAM, the in­ter­face bet­ween de­sig­ning and ma­nu­fac­tu­ring which makes da­ta trans­fer ea­sier than you think by trans­fer­ring the full CAD da­ta from your dra­wing straight to the CNC ma­chi­ne. Whe­ther you’re a car­pen­ter, joi­ner or shop fit­ter, the Palette CAM soft­ware add-on makes your ma­nu­fac­tu­ring se­quen­ces run smooth­ly from start to fi­nish. From your desk to the work­shop, Palette CAM is the lo­gi­cal so­lu­ti­on that lets you get on wi­th the job you love.

Seam­less­ly trans­fer 3D de­sign da­ta to the CNC ma­chi­ne

Make the da­ta you ge­ne­ra­te go fur­ther wi­th Palette CAM, the in­ter­face bet­ween de­sig­ning and ma­nu­fac­tu­ring which makes da­ta trans­fer ea­sier than you think by trans­fer­ring the full CAD da­ta from your dra­wing straight to the CNC ma­chi­ne. Whe­ther you’re a car­pen­ter, joi­ner or shop fit­ter, the Palette CAM soft­ware add-on makes your ma­nu­fac­tu­ring se­quen­ces run smooth­ly from start to fi­nish. From your desk to the work­shop, Palette CAM is the lo­gi­cal so­lu­ti­on that lets you get on wi­th the job you love.

How Palette CAM works

1) Set up the CNC ma­chi­ne

Our sup­port team is on hand and can help you con­nect your        ma­chi­nes in per­son or re­mo­te­ly. On­ce the ma­chi­nes are con­nec­ted, Palette CAM is the ea­sy, con­ve­ni­ent way to con­trol your CNC ma­chi­ne.

Our platform caters to every aspect of the design journey, ensuring complete accuracy and seamless data transfer to CNC machines for flawless execution.

CAM video woodwork

2) Ge­ne­ra­te & trans­fer da­ta

Palette CAM “trans­la­tes” your de­sign sket­ches in­to CNC da­ta, en­su­ring ac­cu­ra­cy, eli­mi­na­ting er­rors and pro­vi­ding da­ta com­pa­ti­bi­li­ty   wi­th all work­shop pro­grams on the mar­ket.

This me­ans no mo­re en­te­ring da­ta twice, which sa­ves you va­luable time and helps you avo­id an­noy­ing trans­fer er­rors.

2d planning palette cad software furniture design woodwork

3) Crea­te com­pon­ents

Your CNC ma­chi­ne is now re­a­dy to go, and the in­di­vi­du­al com­pon­ents will be ma­nu­fac­tu­red to your exact de­sign.

If you’d li­ke to find out how you can op­ti­mi­se your work­flows in your busi­ness, get in touch wi­th us to­day.

3d planning palette cad software furniture design woodwork photorealistic rendering

1) Set up the CNC ma­chi­ne

Our sup­port team is on hand and can help you con­nect your ma­chi­nes in per­son or re­mo­te­ly. On­ce the ma­chi­nes are con­nec­ted, Palette CAM is the ea­sy, con­ve­ni­ent way to con­trol your CNC ma­chi­ne.

Our platform caters to every aspect of the design journey, ensuring complete accuracy and seamless data transfer to CNC machines for flawless execution.

2d planning palette cad software furniture design woodwork

2) Ge­ne­ra­te & trans­fer da­ta

Palette CAM “trans­la­tes” your de­sign sket­ches in­to CNC da­ta, en­su­ring ac­cu­ra­cy, eli­mi­na­ting er­rors and pro­vi­ding da­ta com­pa­ti­bi­li­ty wi­th all work­shop pro­grams on the mar­ket.

This me­ans no mo­re en­te­ring da­ta twice, which sa­ves you va­luable time and helps you avo­id an­noy­ing trans­fer er­rors.

3) Crea­te com­pon­ents

Your CNC ma­chi­ne is now re­a­dy to go, and the in­di­vi­du­al com­pon­ents will be ma­nu­fac­tu­red to your exact de­sign.

If you’d li­ke to find out how you can op­ti­mi­se your work­flows in your busi­ness, get in touch wi­th us to­day.


3d planning palette cad software furniture design woodwork photorealistic rendering

Palette CAM for ea­sier, op­ti­mi­sed wood­wor­king

The Palette CAM soft­ware makes wood­wor­king ea­sier and mo­re ef­fi­ci­ent:

Hand in hand wi­th Palette CAD, this cle­ver add-on helps your ma­nu­fac­tu­ring pro­cess run mo­re smooth­ly.

  • In­tui­ti­ve to use
  • Sui­ta­ble for any ma­chi­ne en­vi­ron­ment
  • Prepa­re and pro­cess com­pon­ents
  • Use wi­th pro­grams op­ti­mi­sed for work­shops
  • Trans­fer da­ta to spe­cia­list pro­grams such as NC-HOPS or NCAD
  • En­su­re con­tours, ho­les, groo­ves & cuts are ma­de exact­ly as de­si­gned

Palette CAM for ea­sier, op­ti­mi­sed wood­wor­king

The Palette CAM soft­ware makes wood­wor­king ea­sier and mo­re ef­fi­ci­ent:

Hand in hand wi­th Palette CAD, this cle­ver add-on helps your ma­nu­fac­tu­ring pro­cess run mo­re smooth­ly.

  • In­tui­ti­ve to use
  • Sui­ta­ble for any ma­chi­ne en­vi­ron­ment
  • Prepa­re and pro­cess com­pon­ents
  • Use wi­th pro­grams op­ti­mi­sed for work­shops
  • Trans­fer da­ta to spe­cia­list pro­grams such as NC-HOPS or NCAD
  • En­su­re con­tours, ho­les, groo­ves & cuts are ma­de exact­ly as de­si­gned

Designed with Palette CAD

Send your de­signs straight to a CNC ma­chi­ne wi­th per­fect ac­cu­ra­cy!

Designed with Palette CAD

Make the most of every pro­ject!

Our aim is to make your job a smooth pro­cess from start to fi­nish, from the in­iti­al idea to the fi­nis­hed pro­duct. So Palette CAM is on­ly available in con­junc­tion wi­th our co­re Palette CAD soft­ware.

Make the most of every pro­ject!

Our aim is to make your job a smooth pro­cess from start to fi­nish, from the in­iti­al idea to the fi­nis­hed pro­duct. So Palette CAM is on­ly available in con­junc­tion wi­th our co­re Palette CAD soft­ware.

If you’d li­ke to find out how you can op­ti­mi­se your work­flows in your busi­ness, get in touch wi­th us to­day.

With Palette CAD design knows no limits:

Upload your designs to the Palette Cloud and showcase your skills with your customers!

Why choose Palette CAD?

More Time

Use ob­ject li­bra­ri­es and crea­te stan­dard ob­jects wi­th in­tel­li­gent pro­per­ties and va­ria­bles to de­sign fas­ter and mo­re ef­fi­ci­ent­ly. And we au­to­ma­ti­cal­ly up­date all ma­nu­fac­tu­rer ca­ta­lo­gues so you al­ways have ac­cess to the la­test pro­ducts.

More Sta­te-of-the-Art

A hand-held la­ser and ta­blet make it ea­sy to ta­ke me­a­su­re­ments at your cli­ent’s home or site. Thanks to the Palette Cloud, mobile working is possible without any problems, and you can showcase your designs via mobile devices with Palette Move.

More Suc­cess

Even though you can use our wood tech­no­lo­gy so­lu­ti­on and con­fi­gu­ra­tors to op­ti­mi­se your pro­cess, your work stays un­ques­tionab­ly uni­que. You can set re­cur­ring ru­les in the CAM post-pro­ces­sor to in­crease your ca­pa­ci­ty uti­li­sa­ti­on.

Why choose Palette CAD?

More Time

Use ob­ject li­bra­ri­es and crea­te stan­dard ob­jects wi­th in­tel­li­gent pro­per­ties and va­ria­bles to de­sign fas­ter and mo­re ef­fi­ci­ent­ly. And we au­to­ma­ti­cal­ly up­date all ma­nu­fac­tu­rer ca­ta­lo­gues so you al­ways have ac­cess to the la­test pro­ducts.

More Sta­te-of-the-Art

A hand-held la­ser and ta­blet make it ea­sy to ta­ke me­a­su­re­ments at your cli­ent’s home or site. Thanks to the Palette Cloud, mobile working is possible without any problems, and you can showcase your designs via mobile devices with Palette Move.

More Suc­cess

Even though you can use our wood tech­no­lo­gy so­lu­ti­on and con­fi­gu­ra­tors to op­ti­mi­se your pro­cess, your work stays un­ques­tionab­ly uni­que. You can set re­cur­ring ru­les in the CAM post-pro­ces­sor to in­crease your ca­pa­ci­ty uti­li­sa­ti­on.

Which software package is best for you?

If you are already familiar with the software, then define one of the following package to get more info about it from our experts.


Get Started

The basic package to get you started with 3D designing.

Palette CAD 3D
1 Industry Catalogue
Simple Photo-Realistic

Small Business

Extensive Planning

With various options to suit your individual needs at affordable price.

Palette CAD 3D
3 Industry Catalogues
3D Import & Export
High-End Photo-Realistic


The All-inclusive Package

Enjoy maximum flexibility with multiple licences.

Palette CAD 3D
2 Licences
All Available Industry Catalogues
3D Import & Export
High-End Photo-Realistic
Perfect For Collaboration

Which software package is best for you?

If you are already familiar with the software, then define one of the following package to get more info about it from our experts.


Get Started

The basic package to get you started with 3D designing.

Palette CAD 3D
1 Industry Catalogue
Simple Photo-Realistic

Small Business

Extensive Planning

With various options to suit your individual needs at affordable price.

Palette CAD 3D
3 Industry Catalogues
3D Import & Export
High-End Photo-Realistic


The All-inclusive Package

Enjoy maximum flexibility with multiple licences.

Palette CAD 3D
2 Licences
All Available Industry Catalogues
3D Import & Export
High-End Photo-Realistic
Perfect For Collaboration

Contact us

Anish contact us Palette cad India

Anish Chidgupkar


Our team have comprehensive
wood-working expertise and are on hand to answer questions about your furniture design software. Get in touch with us!

Contact us

Anish contact us Palette cad India

Anish Chidgupkar


Our team have comprehensive
wood-working expertise and are on hand to answer questions about your furniture design software. Get in touch with us!

Contact us